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Let’s get it started in here with a story about a man who had a life changing event that made him realize just how precious life really is. How he’s learned to accept his circumstances ad make the best life from what resources and benefits he has. Now who is this Marathon Man? It’s none other than Martin Reed, who 15 years ago was driving alone when he was run off the road. This car accident left him having to readjust his way of thinking and doing as he unable to walk with a C-7 spinal cord injury.

After being in rehab therapy for six months, he began to realize that things were never going to be the same. In order to continue LIVING, which is very different from existing, he was going to incorporate some new challenges into his life.

Before his accident, he had participated in several 10K’s. He would participate in the races for fun, not to break any speed records, just personal bests. Although his favorite race location has been Silver Strand, the run across the Coronado Bridge for a 10K in 1990 the most spectacular. Nothing life getting a view of the harbor, city skyline and beautiful Coronado from the bridge’s mid-span.

In June 2015, with his supportive wife, Marie as his “coach” they participated in the Rock & Roll Half Marathon. 2015 was a busy year as they also participated in the Silver Strand

Veterans’ Day Half Marathon. Marie ran, ok fast walked and Martin used a hand cycle, placing second. In 2016, he placed 1st and in 2018 2nd. Hey what happened to 2017 you ask? Well, funny story… he got so carried away he used the line for runners by mistake and his time did not get recorded…Yes, that’s his story and he’s going to stick to it! Seriously, he came in second despite a flat tire he didn’t notice until he crossed the finish line, but there still is no recorded time of his finish. Just imagine the outcome if he hadn’t had a flat tire AND he had used the correct line! But he keeps on running, running, running… he keeps on running, running, running.

Since returning to racing, Martin has accumulated a total of six medals for the Silver Strand Half Marathon: four participant medals, medals for First in 2016, and Second in 2018.

He continues to race focusing on improving his finish times. Currently he races a nine minute mile and his personal goal is to improve his time to less than eight minutes. To do this he is going to have to work on his endurance and power—lots of upper body strength needed!

As he continues to race, he realizes mistakes are part of being human and part of each and everyone’s learning process. He realizes you should appreciate what you have BEFORE time makes you appreciate what you had. His advice for anyone going through a life changing event is to do your best to keep a good attitude since really there is no other choice when dealing with your new situation. Be grateful for what you still have and strive to make improvements for YOURSELF. So as Martin looks on the horizon for his next race, and in his head he’s already running, running, running…

Thank you, Martin, for sharing and being an inspirational beacon of light to us all.

Member Milestones will be published monthly. If you’ve had a personal milestone and would like to be featured in a newsletter article, please contact us at 619-574-9151 or send us an E-mail to

We’ll conduct an interview, take a couple of pictures and presto you’re the Club’s shining star for the month.

(619) 574-9151

3030 Front St San Diego CA United States 92103

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