If you or someone you know has a disability and is unable to
use the bus or rail services in our community without assistance, you may qualify to use the ADA Paratransit services.
In order to access these services, you must apply and become certified. It may take up to 21 days to complete the eligibility process for ADA Paratransit since Doctor’s verification is required and you will be asked to go in for an interview. For more information or to fill out an application, please contact ADA Ride, toll free at (877) 232-7433, or via the Internet at www.adaride.com. If you need help filling out the application call us at 619-574-9151 or let us know at SDISC.news@gmail.com and we’ll do what we can to help you fill out the application to get the process started!
Medical Cal Provider (MCP) program
Are you eligible for Medi-Cal and enrolled in a Medi-Cal Managed Care Program? Due to a recent change in the Medi-Cal transportation program, did you know that you may be eligible to receive free transportation services with no out of pocket costs? That is, instead of using MTS Access and paying the Access fate (minimum $4.50 each way), you may be able to schedule and receive your transportation through your Managed Care Provider (MCP) at no cost to you. Trips through you MCP may even be an individualized trip instead of the shared ride trip on Access.
If you are a Medi-Cal recipient, we encourage you to contact your MCP to see if you qualify for this alternative transportation service. You may contact the following MCPs a for further information:
Aetna Better Health of California (855-772-9076),
CareFirst (877-433-2178),
Community Health Group (800-244-7766),
HealthNet (800-675-6110),
Kaiser (877-917-8166),
Molina HealthCare of California (844-292-2688),
United Healthcare (844-772-6623).
MTS Tickets
Return home MTS transportation tickets are available to members after a scheduled SDISC event. If you would like a return home ticket, please see Irene Sumaya to pick up your bus ticket. These tickets are not available to guests, only to Club member who is the REGISTERED MTS riders, not the PCA!
Special thanks to the Earth Angel who provided these tickets for member use. We really appreciate your generosity!