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Hi guys… I’M BACK! As you know, if you live in a wheelchair, you could end up with a pressure sore. I had to spend a few weeks flat on my back, so I’m so glad to be here again. I’m sitting in the Board Room just listening to the wind, to the birds, to the train. I bet most of you do not notice small things that make this place special. I love being here so much surrounded by those I cherish!

We want you to come do other activities as it’s not just someplace to come eat. Beginning in May, we will be

going to the different Balboa Park museums, which are free on Tuesdays. Bring a sandwich or let Irene know if you’d like a Subway Sandwich. Check your calendars to see which museum will be visited. In September, we will start our exercises classes again and have new activities.

It’s so hard to believe that we are already halfway through Spring and our building is blossoming. You can see the building is getting a fresh new color, the bathrooms were worked on and are bright and beautiful with new floors. Keep watching for additional improvements.

As I was finishing up my “Notes”, I received some sad news. 3030 has lost another member who was very important to us. On Wednesday afternoon, Ed Gerber lost his fight with his kidney problems. He was one of the people that was the wind beneath our wings. He kept the club financially straight and helped anybody else when needed. We will miss him so much. I will let you know when his Celebration of his Life will be.


(619) 574-9151

3030 Front St San Diego CA United States 92103

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