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Clubhouse Improvements!

Our beautification project is moving along great!

Over the next several months, we will work on improving looks to the building and it’s surroundings! Well this place ALWAYS look beautiful during the holidays thanks to Willie Walker and Kathleen Woods.

We hope you’ve noticed and appreciated the new look to our entrance: new sign AND an entrance wall with the new building color scheme! The overall building will be olive green, the front and the wall along the kitchen will have a light cream color on the bottom.

Trees and brush had been trimmed back in the parking lots. Some older trees will be removed and bushes will be trimmed. Some of the old concrete has been removed since it was a hazard to the homes below the clubhouse.

Darin Sims has pressure washed, prepped the building and has begun painting under the eves. He’s beginning with the eves because those are harder to paint.

Front bench will be stripped stained, flower beds will be worked on, planters trimmed back in the entrance. Other improvements or repairs will follow that will make our building even more beautiful... STAY TUNED... YOU WON’T WANT TO MISS ALL THESE EXCITING IMPROVEMENTS!

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